Agrifirm training days
This month we met with Jan Schellekens from Agrifirm to help with his planning of the Agrifirm air scrubber training days. This is a fantastic initiative from a key industry stakeholder, to help farmers get the best performance, reduce costs and understand the additional benefits from their air scrubbers.
Various tests conducted by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have concluded that biological (combi) air scrubbers ‘acidify’ and the average ammonia reduction of biological air scrubbers in the Netherlands is 39% instead of 85%. They therefore concluded that many air scrubbers do not function according to regulations and that too little attention is paid to the maintenance and operation. At Innoplus, we also see an indication of this from the hundreds of systems we monitor daily. We frequently see that whilst the technology performs well, many systems are challenged by lack of regular maintenance. We do this through our online dashboard.
Taking the initiative
For this reason, Agrifirm has taken the initiative to develop training courses that focus on the above issues. During these sessions, users will be taught how to handle an air scrubber and what other functions an air scrubber can have besides washing air. Namely energy capture from the stall that can be reused to pre-condition air during cold periods.
Inno+ Triple EEE system is an example of this.
Training sessions on 22 September
First sessions will focus on the correct use of air scrubbers and maintenance. The training day run from 10:00-15:00 and include lunch. For more information and registration, click here.
Cooperation with Inno+
As a leading provider of air scrubbers and associated energy recovery technologies, Inno+ fully support this initiative and will therefore also provide support on the following sessions where we will focus on, heat recovery and optimal use of the air scrubber. This presentation will be given by Pieter Hanssen (Inno+) and Bob Versleijen (Versleijen Oirlo) and will involve the types of systems, a quick scan, payback model and other advantages in terms of production benefits.
Quick scan – is a checklist that farmers can make to determine if their air scrubbers are capable of delivering energy recovery.
Nitrogen crisis
With the increasing pressure, our farmers find themselves under, regards to environmental legislation. We believe it is the duty of the all in the industry to support our colleagues and help them achieve the best possible standards. At the end of the day, we all have a stake in their success. Initiatives like this from Agrifirm goes a long way to demonstrate how the rest of us should act.
For more information about
This training is made possible thanks to support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in its countryside.
Are you curious about the possibilities of our air scrubbers? Fill in the form below or contact us: +31 (0) 77 – 4657360