Two new air scrubbers by Inno+ published for high dust reduction in poultry farming
On 15 March 2021, a new updated list of emission factors (for e.g. particulate matter) in the livestock sector was published. The list includes 2 new air scrubbing systems by Inno+. Inno+ has carried out VERA (European Measuring Protocol) certified measurements for these two new air scrubber systems. This is the highest quality standard available for low-emission systems. It concerns the systems:
- BWL 2021.03 chemical air scrubbing system for 70% particulate matter emission reduction (system for rearing, laying and parent animals in poultry farming)
- BWL 2021.04 chemical air wash system for 70% reduction of fine particulates (system for broilers, turkeys and ducks)
Besides 70% fine dust reduction, these systems also provide 70% ammonia reduction and 30% odour reduction.
What is new about these BWL numbers is that they have been registered, which means that only Inno+ can market these systems because they have had them measured in accordance with VERA protocol.
For a long time, new developments stood still because anyone could build them. The government has now made it possible again for manufacturers who invest a lot of money in developments and measurements to have these systems explicitly marketed by only the manufacturer. This stimulates and creates the opportunity for even more new developments, which Inno+ will introduce to the market in the coming period.
High reduction of emission and dust
These new systems offer solutions for poultry farmers who need to achieve far-reaching dust reductions, in addition to the existing air scrubbers of Inno+ that have been on the emission lists for some time already. Inno+ can now offer air scrubbing systems (both chemical and biological) with an emission reduction of dust between 35 and 70%, ammonia reduction between 70 and 90% and odour reduction between 30 and 40%. Inno+ can therefore offer the most suitable solution for every poultry farmer, depending on the specific company circumstances.
All Inno+ air scrubbers can also be combined with Inno+ heat recovery solutions (heat recovery for pre-heating the incoming air and heat recovery from the air scrubber by means of a heat pump for heating the house).
Are you curious about the possibilities of our air scrubbers? Then please fill in the form below or contact us at: +31 (0) 77 – 4657360.