Air abatement from composting and Manure

Big Dutchman Compoliner

Over the last two months we have seen an increased interest in air abatement for manure drying and composting systems for both pig and poultry production in Europe. Whilst this was not unexpected, the timing has been interesting and has made us wonder if the tide is turning regards how we manage animal waste in the near future. For Inno+ the inquiries have been very much about how producers manage the emissions from manure drying and composting and as such, we have several systems to accommodate this. Two of our concepts have been specifically design for our parent companies CompoLiner and CompoTower systems, but of course, this technology is available for comparable systems if required. We have also developed an air scrubber for manure drying namely the Big Dutchman Optisec Porco (for Pig farms) but of course, this technology works in a wide variety of applications.

A circular agriculture model

As the sector moves towards more environmentally sustainable farming, one of the challenges will be what we do with the waste products from animal production. Today in many regions, environmental regulations still allow the spreading of manure across this land. From the recent discussions we have had with farmers on the subject, the sentiment is clearly changing with the view that regulations will become stricter.

On the plus, the opportunity to produce organic fertilizers from these waste products be that compost, manure pellets or liquid fertilizer from air scrubbing, will open up a new business opportunity for the farmer. By adding air scrubbing into the process, a concept of delivering environmentally sustainable organic fertilizer and compost will become a very attractive business proposition for our customers. Inno+ with our parent company Big Dutchman and our family of residue management, air abatement and energy recovery products are in a lead position to provide the solutions required to deliver a circular agriculture model.

For more information on our product range, please refer to:

Big Dutchman

Big Dutchman downloads


    • Video on the CompoTower air scrubber

    Other information about other products from Inno+ please refer to our website product pages or contact us by either filling out the form below or call on 31(0)77 – 4657360.

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