Save on gas consumption with Triple EEE
Recently there has been news that gas prices are going to rise significantly. People with variable energy contracts are particularly likely to lose out. Hundreds of thousands of people will be financially strained by this increase, including many entrepreneurs in the livestock sector. In the pig and poultry sector, a lot of heat is used to keep the stables at the right temperature during the winter. If the price of gas continues to rise, this will have significant financial consequences.
Payback within 3-5 years
The installation of our Triple EEE energy system is of course even more interesting now. There are various ways to reduce or even eliminate gas consumption in stables. In this way you are less or not at all dependent on the price fluctuation of gas. Each system comes with a payback model on average between 3-5 years
Provides a gas reduction of + / – 60% and ensures the energy produced by the animals, and collected in the air scrubber, is reused to preheat the barn. With a range of -10°C to +10°C and a COP of upto 50 (meaning 1 kW of electricity, 50 kW of thermal energy can be made), this is a very sustainable system with more benefits than just gas reduction. Because the air enters the house pre-heated, the stable climate is much more stable, which leads to a reduction in maintenance feed, mortality and diseases.
Heat pump
With the heat pump, the gas boiler can be partially or fully replaced; this system has various options: think for example of the floor heating, auxiliary / post heating, process water, etc. Anyone considering a heat pump is usually eligible for a subsidy.
Are you curious about the possibilities of our energy recovery systems? Fill in the form below or contact us: +31 (0) 77 – 4657360