Air scrubber workshop by Ron Doeze
Over the last 6 weeks, our team of Ron Doeze, Sjoerd Kurvers and Grant Barden have been running some workshops for our parent company Big Dutchman, sharing knowledge on air scrubbers and how to implement and support them. These sessions are available for anyone who would like to learn more about air scrubbing. So please contact us, details below.
Air scrubbing for beginners
Ron (our Product manager) ran the first of these workshops where he covered the following topics.
- Why air scrubbers are important,
- Principles of Chemical and Biological air scrubbing,
- Waste water management,
- Air scrubbing process and technology,
- Certification,
- Quotations,
- Porcus and Pollo air scrubbers in detail,
- Dimensioning,
- Built in systems,
- Support tools available.
Not that complicated
Regarded by many as hi-tech, once learned air scrubbing is relatively easy to understand. In these first sessions, Ron shares his broad knowledge on the subject, providing a level of insight that anyone planning to include #airscrubbing either as a new build or a retrofit will gain a good foundation in the subject. For convenience and ease of learning, we have separated his presentation into short easy to understand topics.
Download the workshop’s presentation here
Reducing harmful emissions
An air scrubber system is the ideal solution to reduce harmful emissions. Intensive livestock farming is legally obliged to decrease the emission of ammonia, odour and particulate matter in order to reduce the impact on the environment. Therefore, Inno+ has developed a range of systems to tackle this.
Energy recovery from air scrubbing
All Inno+ air scrubbers can also be combined with Inno+ heat recovery solutions (heat recovery for pre-heating the incoming air and heat recovery from the air scrubber by means of a heat pump for heating the house).
Are you curious about the possibilities of our air scrubbers? Then please fill in the form below or contact us at +31 (0) 77 – 4657360.