‘The most innovative climate and energy system in the world’
The Kuijpers family ‘produces good food for everyone’ at their broiler farm in Grubbenvorst, Netherlands by means of an innovative system based on the short-chain principle. “We want to produce affordable and sustainable chicken for everyone,” says Marcel Kuijpers.
‘Dare to dream and move forward’, that is what the Kuijpers family has been doing over the past few years. It was not always easy, but after a lot of brainstorming, endless consultations and fifteen years of tug-of-war for the necessary permits the new mixed farm was launched. In May 2019, the first chicks were born in the new barn.
For this project, Inno+ was invited to design a new innovative approach to energy recovery from the air cleaning process. The Kuijpers team call this approach ‘Family warmth’ as it uses heat energy from the older birds to keep the younger chicks warm.
For more information about this project, download the case study where we expect a return on investment for this system of 5.78 years. The download also includes an environmental report where we calculate a 12% improvement on carbon load using this approach https://inno-plussystems.com/enagainst a traditional system.
For more information on this, please contact Simon Lague, slague@inno-plussystems.com