‘Buffer the biology’ for best results
Toine and Jan Aben, farmers from Brabant, run a mixed company with dairy cattle, pig farming and the generation of sustainable energy. At the Broeksteen 3 location in Wanroij, the brothers keep 9,600 finisher pigs and generate sustainable energy.
Biological wins the day
In the recent past, Inno+ equipped both stables with air scrubbers. Stable one was equipped with a chemical and stable four with a biological air scrubber in accordance with BWL 2010.02.V6. The experiences with the latter were so positive that the scrubber in stable one was upgraded to a biological one.
Improved waste water management for optimal biological performance
The purpose of the buffer tanks and placing the technical components at ground level is to make maintenance easier. As the tanks are more easily accessible and we discovered the biological process thrives better, more optimally. The design ensures that there is sufficient sedimentation of solids and that the biology can continue in a stable and gradual manner. The sediment is extracted from the intake points and rinsed out with a cleaning hose. This means that less contamination ends up in the packages as a result of better waste water flow in the system allowing the bacteria to thrive better.
The buffer tanks were co-engineered by the Inno+ team in consultation with the Aben brothers.
Centralised process for future expansion
On site during the conversion, the Inno+ assembly team adjusted the pipework and incorporated the technical components into the technical room of the buffer tanks. Because of this choice, all process indicators are centralised to provide the future scrubbers of the other stables. After the assembly work, both scrubbers were taken back online by our service department within a short period. Parameters were fine-tuned on site and monitored remotely to see what the results were. Since delivery, this has resulted in a very stable pH and a gradual increase in electrical conductivity.
The experiences of Mr. Aben and members of staff are so positive that they would again choose the combination with buffer tanks for any new biological scrubber. Because the buffer tanks and technical components are on the ground, maintenance is much easier, than running in the air scrubber itself.
Additional buffer tanks for potato peel drying
About the secondary business of green waste drying such as potatoe feel, they also have one large biological scrubber. This cleans the air from the belt drying with a capacity of 200,000 m3/h air. For this system, as well they installed three additional buffer tanks connected to each other, functioning as one. These tanks needed to be installed on a specially constructed platform, so that the return water from the scrubber ran under free fall to the buffer tanks. Again, the systems technology is provided in a specially constructed technical room.
Biology even better
After running for a while, the customer discovered the biology was even better than expected. Brought about by achieving a more stable PH in the wash water through better flow. The result a much improved odour reduction. The stable pH also contributes to a far lower need for lye to neutralise, as the acidity remains minimal.
Overall, the brothers are convinced that buffer tanks have a positive influence on the general operation of biological air scrubbers and in their daily management. Maybe this is something other farmers should consider in the future.
For more information about our systems
Our air scrubber modules are specially designed for ease of transport and installation around the world. This means in countries where the licensing authorities are trying to set a benchmark for air cleaning on farms. Inno+, deliver a product with 18 years of development, testing, certification and proven experience behind it.
Are you curious about the possibilities of our air scrubbers? Fill in the form below or contact us: +31 (0) 77 – 4657360